Website viewing figures pass the 30,000 mark
Above is a picture of our website graph showing our viewing figures on a day to day basis.
You will see that we have just passed the 30,000 mark which is an extraordinary achievement for a county website, but one that shows the insatiable appetite there is for ongoing up to the minute news of handball in Wexford. Our current daily average for the month of October is an astonishing 447 and this compares with 161 for July, 201 for August and 315 for September.
In the coming weeks and months we hope to bring you many features and articles, as well as interviews with some of the great players of the past and indeed of the present day. We all want to hear what they have to say and in the case of the past greats, what they think of the game today.
It will be fascinating stuff and you can see it here on
Keep on clicking!