GAA Handball E-Vetting
A chara,
Please ensure that all clubs/relevant officials in your jurisdiction are aware of this change and the procedures as set out in the link below.
GAA Handball E-Vetting
It is now a criminal offence, for a person acting on behalf of the GAA, or for the GAA as an Association to permit any person to commence working with children on behalf of the Association without that person first obtaining a vetting disclosure from the National Vetting Bureau in respect of the role for which they have been recruited. It is also a breach of GAA rule if you are working with children or vulnerable adults on behalf of the Association and have not been vetted.
Any person who was working with children in the GAA prior to the commencement of the Act may continue in their previous capacity but must apply as a matter of priority to be vetted by the GAA under what is termed ‘retrospective vetting’. This term and these conditions are allowed for in the Act.
ID Verification- Procedures must be adhered to in relation to proof of identity and confirmation of the current address BEFORE the vetting process can commence.
When the Vetting Act came into being on 29 April 2016 the GAA became one of the first organisations to replace ‘paper vetting’ with a new on line or E –Vetting system.
E-Vetting replaces all previous paper vetting systems which also brings us in line with similar e-vetting services as coordinated by Ulster GAA for AccessNI.