Preview 4 – county junior B singles

Junior B Singles semi finals David Kenny (Castlebridge) v Michéal Busher (Bridgetown), David Stanners (St. Martins) v Robert Byrne (Bridgetown) Three former winners of this grade as well as the 2018 winner of junior C singles fight out the finish of this championship, which sees David Kenny going for his third title in 4 years writes […]

Preview 5 – county junior C singles

Junior C Singles semi finals James Stanners (St. Martins) v Matthew Hynes (St. Mary’s), Liam Rossiter (Ballyhogue) v Jim Nolan (Kilmyshall) 20 players and 48 games have been whittled down to 4 players and 3 games in a championship which never fails to deliver writes AOB. The strength in depth of this grade in Wexford can […]

Semi final action begins on Wednesday night

The first of the 2019 county semi finals takes place on Wednesday night next, January 2nd with matches at both Piercestown and St. Josephs. Included in these is the eagerly awaited senior open singles clash of Gavin Buggy and Keith Armstrong which goes ahead at St. Josephs. Wednesday, 2nd January Piercestown OIC James Stanners 7.15      JDS Joe Devereux […]

Preview 3 – county junior singles

Junior Singles semi finals Josh Kavanagh (St. Josephs) v Mark Doyle (Taghmon), Adam Walsh (St. Josephs) v Noel Holohan (Templeudigan) It’s a young person’s game! Well that’s not strictly true of course as handball prides itself on being a sport for all the ages, but certainly as far as this, one of Wexford’s premier championships […]

Preview 2 – county intermediate singles

Intermediate Singles semi finals Keith Armstrong (Kilmyshall) v Noel Holohan (Templeudigan), Galen Riordan (Ballyhogue) v Paul Lambert (St. Mary’s) The absence of the 2018 winner Peter Hughes from the knockout stages highlights the strength of the field this time around as the presence of both Galen Riordan and Keith Armstrong made qualification very difficult on this […]

County semi final fixtures are issued

Fixtures for the 2019 county 40×20 adult championship are now available for viewing under the Fixtures tab or by clicking Fixture 14 semi finals These could be subject to change depending on how Wexford players progress in the Leinster championship and therefore it is advisable that club secretaries and players check back in regularly.

Preview 1 – county senior open singles

Senior Open Singles semi finals Gavin Buggy (St. Josephs) v Keith Armstrong (Kilmyshal), Tommy Hynes (St. Mary’s) v Galen Riordan (Ballyhogue) An intriguing group stage of the senior championship has produced a fascinating semi final lineup that is certain to add another chapter to the glorious history of Wexford handball writes AOB. When both Gavin Buggy […]

Championship roundup for 2018

The full programme of group games as well as R16 and R8 knockout matches have been completed on schedule in the 2019 Wexford GAA Handball county 40×20 adult championships and the way is now clear for the semi finals and finals to begin on Wednesday, 2nd January. To see the full lineup of semi finals […]

Good Performances by Wexford Juveniles in Leinster Wall Ball

The Wexford team that took part in the Leinster Juvenile Wall Ball Championships in Clough Ballacolla, Co. Laois yesterday was  (Left to right): Jake Doyle (Bridgetown, 3rd U17), Joe Devereux (Castlebridge, Runner-up U16), William Murphy (Castlebridge, Runner-Up, U13), Joshua Roche (Castlebridge, Runner-Up, U12), Kitty Roche (Castlebridge, 4th, U12). Well done to all involved.